Any company with information may have a tough time with being able to tell where their data is, what it is worth, and how quickly they would need to have it back in play. Until it is accidentally deleted, destroyed or stolen.
Then…it becomes EXTREMELY important, and they need it back NOW!!!
So take a business continuity mindset…not a backup mindset:
Backup - refers strictly to being able to recover a copy of data
Business Continuity - being able to recover a specific version of data from a desired point of time, and accomplishing this recovery in a period of time which minimizes impact to the business.
Know what data you have.
Know where it is located.
Know how it is protected and how frequently.
Know how it would be restored, and how long this takes.
Perform documented test restores to verify data is recoverable.
Dolce Vita can assist in this endeavor…it isn’t hard. And it doesn’t cost much to correct a potentially devastating situation from developing.
Call us at 405-822-7912 for more information. We make IT easy!