Email Security



Email security is crucial to the cash flow of your business

  • Email is one of the most business-critical systems for any business…so it merits strong security measures

  • Stopping SPAM, phishing, malware, and ransomware means that your business and its cash flow continue uninterrupted

  • Artificial intelligence is used to evaluate current email flows and threats, which helps to classify threats into predefined categories with high accuracy to allow automated remediation

  • Faster response to real-time threats

  • Advanced anti-phishing and spear-phishing protections


Email security with simplified policy management

  • Simplified policy management makes it easier to adjust for the latest threat scenarios

  • Both inbound and outbound mail can be scanned with rules put into place to minimize the potential for data loss

  • Email encryption can easily be added on to satisfy security compliance requirements

  • Dolce Vita’s email systems are self-learning with excellent statistical reporting making it easier to use revised security policies

  • Proactive protection from malicious links in which each available link is immediately checked against the page’s reputation…the user is warned if the link is potentially malicious before they can go to the link