Dolce Vita IT Solutions LLC provides small and mid-sized businesses with a proactive, professional, and cost-effective outsourced IT department. This is why business owners come to us for help, and their success is what we deliver.
Dolce Vita IT Solutions LLC provides small and mid-sized businesses with a proactive, professional, and cost-effective outsourced IT department. This is why business owners come to us for help, and their success is what we deliver.
By far one of the most significant services Dolce Vita offers is IT infrastructure management... this deals with the day-to-day process of ensuring that a businesses IT systems are running 24/7 in order to properly support the business. Our clients want us to provide infrastructure management because we attend to all of the behind-the-scenes matters such as hardware and software management, updates, and cybersecurity issues. They find that it is far more cost-effective to have Dolce Vita proactively manage infrastructure and cybersecurity than to have a costly outage. In co-managed environments we deal with many key items which allow the client’s IT team to focus on other critical issues.
The term "managed services" refers to a suite of services which can be packaged based upon a specific client's work environment and requirements. The value of managed services is the flexibility in how they can be used for a client and the additional reliability and security they provide. Some specific examples:
This system monitors all critical network-attached devices and alerts us of any significant issues. RMM provides detailed real-time performance information on servers and workstations and alerts the DVITS team to developing issues. This can range from server room temperature and humidity to reduced disk space, a failed backup, or an issue with software updates. The intent is to allow administrative tasks to be handled behind the scenes often before the client is aware of an issue. Sempreon RMM allows us to automate many management and remediation tasks. This makes the IT systems run more effectively, which improves the productivity of the users in a business. Automated upgrades from Windows 7 to Windows 10, software updates and maintenance, and disk drive testing is done after hours resulting in a more productive workday. Reliability increases profits!
Most businesses have important data such as email and attachments which end up on mobile devices, and they currently have no way to control how those devices are used and protected. MaaS360 gives the ability to have visibility of where devices are, to keep company data in a secure, remotely wiped container on devices. It also allows for remotely locking and completely wiping a device. The secure container means that bring-your-own-device (BYOD) is more feasible and much easier to manage. This also makes BYOD less risky for businesses.
LTE-based internet failover provides redundant internet for businesses who rely upon cloud-based systems such as Office 365, GSuite, or other cloud-based business systems such as electronic medical records. This provides cost-effective internet uptime to businesses who are completely reliant upon the cloud for access to their data. In addition it has the benefit of being able to provide secure internet to remote locations such as construction sites, wind power sites or rig sites. Dolce Vita even uses it to provide internet for auctions where the venue has poor internet connectivity!
Availability of information is a key concern for businesses... for many businesses the availability of their data can mean the difference between thriving revenue and going out of business. Sempreon DATTO provides business continuity which allows business information to be recovered extremely quickly...in many cases a failed server can be recovered in under 15 minutes, even for small businesses. DATTO is used for reliable local and cloud-based storage, as well as for exceptionally reliable backup of Office 365 and Google Suite environments.
Whether or not a business has to be concerned with compliance, they do have to worry about the security of their information. Businesses who work in compliance environments such as NIST- and CMMC-compliant government contracting, HIPAA compliant healthcare, finance, and insurance are especially concerned with this. Cybersecurity encompasses all of the details of ensuring the data in a business is kept confidential and available to the appropriate users. From ensuring software remains up-to-date, to ensuring proper antivirus and anti-SPAM scanning is being done, IT security also means that we ensure information is backed up correctly and that it is recoverable.
NIST 800-171 CyberSecurity and Network Assessments - Dolce Vita performs NIST and CMMC assessments to assist manufacturers and other businesses in identifying security shortcomings and recommending remediation steps. Network assessments are used on a periodic basis to identify security and operational IT issues.
Antivirus and anti-SPAM - Dolce Vita uses centrally managed anitvirus and anti-SPAM in conjunction with a 24/7 staffed security operations center.
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) - DVITS uses MFA in compliance environments for strong authentication and identity management for client network environments as well as cloud and web services.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems - some compliance environments such as CMMC require the use of SIEM systems to automate the process of detecting actual security issues from the millions of event log entries which managed systems see on a daily basis.
Dark Web Scanning - DVITS uses IDAgent and other resources with our managed services clients to identify any potentially released credentials and to assist in identifying user accounts, services and email addresses might might create vulnerabilities.
The collaboration features of a Microsoft Exchange email system with 99.999% uptime which is hosted with redundant servers in the cloud. This is one of the most reliable and cost-effective ways to provide corporate email and email security.
Cloud-based servers are a great option for organizations who need 99.999% uptime with their information systems. Sempreon cloud-based systems are hosted from SOC and HIPAA compliant facilities. This provides centralization of IT assets in a secure cloud, and simplification of IT assets inside each facility resulting in more cost-effective operations.
Cloud-based synched storage which is secure and centrally managed is a cost-effective way for smaller organizations to share data in a secure manner and make it available to mobile users.