Dolce Vita IT Solutions — Is using Multifactor Authentication REALLY that important?
Is using Multifactor Authentication REALLY that important?

Is using Multifactor Authentication REALLY that important?

Passwords and authentication protect “the keys to the kingdom”

You use passwords continuously…authentication credentials protect your bank accounts, payroll, access to your network, etc. If you use information systems, you are required to log in. So why do banks and investment firms require the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access sensitive information?

Because it WORKS!

So let’s try a little 5 minute exercise:

  • Try to list ALL of the places where you store your business information, both in your office environment AND in the cloud, placing one “repository” on each line

  • Highlight the lines for repositories which are critical (if you were without them or they were stolen, it would be a critical issue

  • Now mark the items which are critical with an “M” only if you know the accounts require the use of MFA

  • If they do not match up….do you have some work to do on this?

Don’t ever forget just what your credentials are protecting, and what a headache it would be for critical data access to become compromised. For assistance with securing your business IT environment, contact us at 405-348-1192.

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Strong credentials protect your business information and strengthen your to build good passwords!

Strong credentials protect your business information and strengthen your to build good passwords!