Client Experience - Sempreon DarkCubed provides stellar traffic security when integrated with Sonicwall firewall

Client Experience - Sempreon DarkCubed provides stellar traffic security when integrated with Sonicwall firewall

DarkCubed is a system which uses advanced artificial intelligence to track malicious IP address activity through hundreds of security sources.  The malicious activity is vetted in order to provide a confidence score from 0 (safe) to 10 (known malicious). By tying a client’s firewall to the DarkCubed system it is possible to track in real-time a client’s web traffic, and using integration with appropriate firewall security licensing the system can block potentially malicious traffic in real time.

Client A Traffic threat– DarkCubed not integrated with firewall security software

·        traffic activity rated as red (severe threat) is a large percentage of total traffic (50%)

·        without firewall integration the traffic continues to go to malicious locations and this causes the business risk to grow substantially over time

Client A - DarkCubed not integrated with firewall software

Client A - DarkCubed not integrated with firewall software

Client B Traffic threat– DarkCubed integrated with firewall security software

  • note traffic activity rated as red (severe threat) is a significantly lower proportion of total traffic

  • with firewall software integration this provides real-time blocking of severe threats

  • the DarkCubed system is always learning…as threat actors change the networks from which they attack, DarkCubed continues to provide active, dynamic blocking via the firewall. 

  • Over time the system continuously adjusts the firewall (with appropriate licensing) to block malicious traffic both inbound (attempting to break into the network) and outbound (resulting from phishing emails or drive-by infections).

Client B - DarkCubed integrated with firewall software

Client B - DarkCubed integrated with firewall software

Through integration with an appropriate firewall and its security software, DarkCubed feeds actionable defense intelligence to the firewall to dynamically and accurately block malicious traffic with minimal management. This acts as part of a defensive strategy which is cost-effectively reducing business risk.

Client Experience - Vulnerability scanning demonstrates cybersecurity progress!

Client Experience - Vulnerability scanning demonstrates cybersecurity progress!

Client Experience - Sempreon IDAgent scans Dark Web to detect compromised user account information

Client Experience - Sempreon IDAgent scans Dark Web to detect compromised user account information